
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Poetry -- Pippa's Song

Robert Browning

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hillsides' dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His Heaven --
All's right with the world!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feel Good Friday -- February 25, 2011

So it's Feel Good Friday, but The Girl Next Door Grows Up ISN'T hosting. Bizarre! However a big thank you to lia sophia tomgirl for filling in, because Friday just wouldn't be complete without FGF.

I attend a ladies' Bible study group on Thursday mornings. I've been with this particular group for several years now (I think). It is unusual because I went into this group all by myself. I didn't know ANYONE in it when I started! Those of you know me (or read me regularly) know how out of the ordinary that is in and of itself. It took me a while to feel comfortable and be able to speak my mind. At first I just sat and listened. Then I got to where I'd answer questions or read a scripture. Then I reached the point where I shared the story of my abuse with them. They've helped me deal with some tough family issues. They have become my friends and supporters.

Yesterday we reached a new level. I swear I wasn't on drugs. I swear I hadn't been drinking, but apparently I've reached the point where I'll say pretty much anything to these ladies. We got into a discussion about various religious groups and denominations. I held nothing back.

Now let's be clear here. It's not in my nature to be deliberately cruel or snarky or critical about others, but sometimes it does help to just say what you feel and have the response from others be understanding instead of judgmental. That's what happened yesterday. 

I feel even closer to those ladies now. I wanted to say that I felt like they actually liked me and didn't just put up with me, but I hesitated to word it that way because I didn't want to assume anything. One of those dear sweet ladies interrupted me and said it for me. Bless her heart! She probably has no idea what that did for me!

So my FGF is about finding out I'm genuinely liked for who I really am -- abuse, sarcasm, insecurities and all.

For more Feel Good Friday posts, swing on over to lia sophia tomgirl. Link up and leave a comment : )

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday -- February 24, 2011

So for today I am thankful for--
1.  Feeling better! There is nothing like being
sick to make you appreciate being well : )

2. My bathtub. I know that's not very spiritual, 
but I have lived most of life making do with with 
a little bathtub. You know the standard tub from 
a 1950's ranch style house.
To me the ultimate method of relaxing is a nice long 
soak in hot water that comes up to my chin.
I can do that now in this amazing tub my husband 
found and INSTALLED for me.
On top of all that, he even runs a bath for me 
any time I ask!

3. A new plan that a friend suggested for getting
my housekeeping under control.
I've only just started using a portion of it,
but I like what's happening so far.

4. A good night's sleep. I've been having trouble
sleeping off and on for a week and a half.
Last night I slept through the night! 
It was wonderful!

5. My darling husband. He is such a good sounding
board and does so much for me.
He is facing some ick at work. So I'm asking
for prayers for him. He has always done
so much for me. I really want to help him
through this difficult time.

They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening . . .
-- I Chronicles 23:30

Look for more Thankful Thursday post @ Women Taking a Stand

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook -- February 22, 2011

Outside my window... it is partly cloudy and cool this morning. We had rain last night that preceded a cold front. Our high today is supposed to be 50 which is still warmer than usual.

I am thinking... about what a good day I had yesterday. Feeling better is wonderful!

I am thankful for... some good advice I got last week from some friends. I'm trying a new approach on housekeeping for this week. Yesterday was great. I hope today goes as well : )

From the learning rooms... lots of make up work for ds after he was sick all last week. A history project is due the end of the week and so is a research paper in English. Whew!

From the kitchen... last night was grilled tilapia, baked potatoes and green beans. Tonight is Mexican Casserole and tossed salad.

I am wearing... my lilac and black gown with my red flannel robe. I keep telling you what a fashionista I am! LOL!

I am creating... still working on several crochet projects, but did some beading last week as well. I'm thinking about sewing again soon.

I am going... to keep working on a new housekeeping routine. I'm using one a friend suggested from I'm personalizing it which is going to take a little time, but so far I like it.

I am reading... The Horse and His Boy. I've read it before of course, but dh is re-reading the series and wanted me to re-read this one. I'm still not sure why, but it is a really good read!

I am hoping... that the insomnia I've suffered of late is just a temporary aberration, and not going to turn into an ongoing problem.

I am hearing... quiet.

Around the house... progress continues on the path to neaterness (I know it's not a word, but that's what I'm shooting for!).

One of my favorite things... is having a day where everything seems to come together. Yesterday was one of those days, so I'm working on savoring the memory of it while working toward making today a good one.

A few plans for the rest of the week... back to workouts with the personal trainer after the flu last week; Bible study; my mom's birthday; and a marriage seminar this weekend at our church.

Here's a picture for thought I'm sharing...
I made a shawl and bracelet for the bunny my bff, Keith, brought to me!

This is a special request prayer strand I made for my bff, Linda.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook -- February 15, 2011

Outside my window... it is summer and cold. We are starting out in the 30's but a high of 60 is predicted. Another pre-spring day. Maybe that groundhog was right : )

I am thinking... that it's good to be getting some things done around the house. It's so much easier with the warmer weather we've had the past few days.

I am thankful for... the new friends we had dinner with on Sunday night.

From the learning rooms... ds stayed home sick yesterday. I hope it's not the flu! I'm waiting to see how he is this morning when he wakes up.

From the kitchen... I made a batch of Morning Glory Muffins this weekend. They've been a big snacking hit!

I am wearing... my red flannel robe, jammies and crocs. Do you sense a theme here?

I am creating... two shawls, a baby blanket, dishrag for my kitchen. I'm learning to read crochet patterns and I'm really enjoying it.

I am going... to keep writing. I've gotten some encouragement lately (thank you!) just when I needed it.

I am reading... A Fountain Filled with Blood by Julia Spencer-Fleming. It is the second book in the Rev. Clare Fergusson and Russ Van Alstyne Mystery series.

I am hoping... that everyone in my house feels better today. Our happy Valentine's Day was not so happy with all of us under the weather.

I am hearing... the news on the tv. Otherwise things are still quiet around here, as ds is sick and dd is working on getting out of bed.

Around the house... I'm beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. The bonus room is coming back together, and dh has been working on designs for the vanity and storage shelves for the bathroom. He made the towel stand last week and stained it this weekend. Here's a picture prior to the staining.

One of my favorite things... is a good night's sleep. 

A few plans for the rest of the week... crafting today, working out with the trainer Wednesday, Bible study on Thursday, and hopefully another day at home on Friday to do some crafting.