
Friday, September 30, 2011

More to Feel Good about than Last Friday

Last Friday was NOT a Feel Good Friday. (For more details go here.) Today, however, is a Feel Good Friday. Want to know why? Let me tell you.

:: Yesterday morning I hit (and surpassed) 1000 views on my blog for this month. Now maybe for some of you bloggers out there 1000 views doesn't sound that great, but for me it was pretty exciting. I don't know what I average a month, but I do know that until this month my highest count had been 874. So thank you to everyone who clicked on my blog. Keep coming back, and not to sound ungrateful, but I'd love more comments.
:: Dh and I have been helping with the marriage ministry at our congregation for the last little while. Last Sunday we taught the morning class. It just went really well. So well in fact that later in the week I ran into one of the participants in the grocery store and he HUGGED me. I love feeling as if we are helping others and making a difference!
:: I'm feeling better emotionally than I have in a while. I think my hiatus from home last weekend helped a lot (see yesterday's post).
:: I am really enjoying the study of Daniel I am doing on Thursdays. For whatever  reason this study is really piquing my curiosity. Yesterday we did the in-depth study of chapter 1. There is so much information packed into those 21 verses!
:: Finally, we're supposed to have cooler weather this weekend. I love autumn with cool days, sunshine and crisp evenings. It's shawl weather time and that just makes me smile.
Wishing everyone a Feel Good Friday and a lovely weekend!

catch up with more "Feel Good Friday" at lia sophia tomgirl

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Ran Away from Home

I've been feeling a little more frantic than usual of late. Frantic and anxious used to be my constant state. Over the years I've worked hard to learn to relax and "go with the flow". It's not natural to me!

Last Friday I imploded. I stood in the kitchen and wept. Thankfully (see!) my dh had come home early from work to go do some other work. He stopped by the house to change clothes. First he was met with stoic wife. Shortly after his arrival, angry wife made an appearance. She was soon followed by frantic, weeping wife.

We stood in the kitchen and I cried and vented. He listened and hugged me. Then he said the magic words, "What do you need?" and I responded with the first thought that popped into my head. "A beach." Without skipping a beat he said, "Go." 

Long story short, I didn't go to the beach, but I did go and spend a night and day at a hotel not far from home in mileage, but eons away from the stress that had been building for me.

So for this Thankful Thursday I'm thankful first and foremost for my dear husband. He put my needs ahead of everything else and that made a huge difference. 

But I'm also thankful for realizing I needed a break and being willing to share that need; for having enough money to be able to take a break of this sort; and for the support of friends who didn't think I was crazy, but rather seemed to think I was smart!

Go figure!?!

may you find grace, peace, gratitude, 
and blessings this day and every day

for more Thankful Thursday visit Grace Alone

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday -- Friends

Amish, Dahlia, Kenyan, Polly, Prudence
for more photos visit Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . September 27, 2011

Outside my window . . . it is cool and clear. There is a heavy dew on the grass and it is only 49 degrees.

I am thinking . . . that I am proud of myself for helping dh with a new Bible class this past Sunday at church. I got up and spoke (briefly) to the class, and I felt that the whole class went really well.

I am thankful . . . for encouraging words from several different people of late. Moving outside my comfort zone is less painful with kind words ringing in my ears.

From the learning rooms . . . we're nearing the end of the first quarter/nine weeks. Grades are definitely better than in the past, but there is a lot of work looming at this grading period ends.

In the kitchen . . . tonight is baked tilapia, steamed green beans with slivered almonds, and cheesy squash casserole.

I am wearing . . . my "I am the Lorax" t-shirt, my summer weight robe, and blue Target "crocs". As you know by now I am quite the fashionista!

I am creating . . . still working on that afghan, but also on a new Sweet November scarf for a friend. I am using Spa: A Silky Soft Bamboo Blend in rose bisque. I really like the way it feels and looks.

I am going . . . to the library today to pick up a book on hold, to turn in overdue books (and pay fines), and to renew a book that is overdue that I haven't even started yet! I am NOT the poster child for good library citizenship this month!

I am wondering . . . about cobwebs. Where do they come from exactly? I seem to have more than my share of them this fall inside and outside my house. I've heard that a plethora of cobwebs in fall is a sign of a snowy winter. If that is true I have mixed emotions. We had plenty of snow last winter!

I am reading . . . lots! I started Fall Into Reading 2011. I've got to make time to get this reading and reviewing done, because I signed up to do it, but mostly because I really, really want to!

I am hoping . . . to get some fall decor out today. Wait a minute didn't I say that last week?

I am looking forward to . . . new episodes of Castle and The Mentalist. Shallow I know, but I do enjoy those two shows!

I am hearing . . . nothing but the twitter of birds and distant traffic.

Around the house . . . dh and the kids worked on the bonus room some this weekend. It's not all better, but there is definite improvement.

I am pondering . . . the random things that strangers share with me. Yesterday at the grocery store, the gentleman who bagged my groceries shared with me about the struggles he is having in his marriage. I have no idea why, but I was blessed that the Lord gave me something to share. I am adding Jason and his wife to my prayer list.

One of my favorite things . . . is my new hedgehog air freshener from Bath & Body Works

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . working on that balance between fun and productivity. It is a real struggle for me.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing . . . 

last week my neighbors had a huge fairy ring it their yard!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Made By You Monday -- Pumpkin Bread

Around my house, it's not officially autumn until pumpkin bread is baked. Well this week I baked pumpkin bread. I've been making this recipe since I was about 12 or 13 years old. I love it! The flavors and texture are just what I want in a sweet bread. Now I am a purest where pumpkin bread is concerned -- no nuts, no raisins, and certainly no chocolate chips! The point of pumpkin bread bread is the PUMPKIN and the SPICES. Nothing else should interfere with these flavors. So's here's my recipe. My kids demand mini loaves now, but when they were little they were all about the mini muffins. If you make full size loaves, cut them in half long ways to serve in smaller slices (this is accepted way to serve THIS bread! LOL!) Warning: We can knock back one whole loaf straight out of the oven!

Pumpkin Bread

4 eggs                                                       
3 cups sugar                                            
1 cup oil                                                    
½ cup water                                            
2 cups canned pumpkin
2 t. baking soda
1 ½ t. cinnamon
1 ½ t. nutmeg
1 ½ t. salt           
3 ½ cups flour

Spray 3 loaf pans or 5-6 mini-loaf pans. Preheat oven to 350°. Beat eggs in large in large mixing bowl with electric mixer until light. Add sugar gradually, beating all the time. Add oil, water and pumpkin. Mix well. In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture and mix well. Divide batter among loaf pans, filling each 2/3 full. Bake on middle rack of oven for 45 minutes. Check for doneness by sticking a toothpick in the center. If not done, bake up to 15 additional minutes checking every 3-5 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Wrap in foil and store in refrigerator. May be frozen. Yield: 3 standard loaves; 5-6 mini-loaves.

(originally published here)

for more go to Skip to My Lou

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Into Reading 2011: Are You Up to the Challenge?

Katrina over at Callapidder Days is doing her Fall Into Reading challenge again. I tried to participate last year, and didn't do very well. Anyhoo. I'm going to try again, so read along with me and share what you're reading at the link below.

1. The Book of Daniel (NIV) -- okay I'm listing this one first because I'm in a Bible study and I'm really determined to not fall behind.

(I admit, I've got a head start on this since our study started on the 8th.)

2. Manner of Death by Stephen White
The past resurfaces in ways that are as intimate as they are frightening when Dr. Alan Gregory and Dr. Sawyer Sackett-a woman he once loved-are plunged into the private nightmare of a killer who knows about the terrifying power of mind games. (This one's already checked out from the library, and waiting on my desk!)

3. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

In a wonderful display of storytelling verve, Martel takes a distinctly unpromising premise--a "story that will make you believe in God" about a boy trapped on a lifeboat with an enormous tiger--and pulls it off with complete and winning confidence. (I started this one in MAY! I got sidetracked from it, but I really want to finish it.)

4. Red Hook Road by Ayelet Waldman

Set on the coast of Maine over the course of four summers, Red Hook Road tells the story of two families, the Tetherlys and the Copakens, and of the ways in which their lives are unraveled and stitched together by misfortune, by good intentions and failure, and by love and calamity. (I picked this one up at Border's going out of business sale and started it right away. It's a bit depressing, so I put it aside. We'll see if I'm up for now or not.)

5.  One Was a Soldier by Julia Spencer-Fleming (maybe!)

On a warm September evening in the Millers Kill community center, five veterans sit down in rickety chairs to try to make sense of their experiences in Iraq. What they will find is murder, conspiracy, and the unbreakable ties that bind them to one another and their small Adirondack town. (This one is dependent on time and availability. I don't buy fiction as a general rule, so I have to wait for my HOLD from the library on this one.)

to see more participants go to Fall Into Reading 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday

:: an excellent lesson on Sunday!
You may listen to it here.

:: a good swim at the YMCA.
I hadn't been swimming in quite
awhile, so I was very pleased
to make it better than 3/4 of
a mile in 30 minutes.

:: considerable progress on a 
handmade Christmas gift, and
a baby gift completed before the
baby shower!

:: getting back my cooking mojo.
It's not up to full speed,
but it's definitely better than 
it had been.

:: taking better care of myself and
feeling less anxiety about it.

may you find grace, peace, gratitude, 
and blessings this day and every day

for more Thankful Thursday visit Grace Alone

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . September 20, 2011

Outside my window . . . I have been seeing a myriad of birds. All the usual finches, wrens and cardinals, but also many hummingbirds. I thought I was long past hummingbird season, but now I'm wishing I had a feeder set up for them. The other exciting discovery are the eastern bluebirds. I have not seen them in this number before! I am so happy they are making a comeback, as they are beautiful.

I am thinking . . . about why it is so difficult for me to do things I like without feeling guilty about it.

I am thankful . . . for the ability to sing. I find great joy in singing. I lost that joy for a while, but lately it seems to be returning.

From the learning rooms . . . an intense discussion on the ethics of using animals for testing purposes. Where is the line?

In the kitchen . . . the mojo is slowly returning. Last night was cheese ravioli with marinara sauce and a tossed salad. Tonight it's quiche and sliced fruit.

I am wearing . . . my summer weight robe and blue Crocs.

I am creating . . . an afghan for my sister in law's Christmas present. She is a huge University of TN fan, so I am working with (gaudy) orange and white!

I am going . . . to yoga class and then come back home and hopefully stay in all day!

I am wondering . . . about the idea that God instilled me with the strength necessary to handle this life. There is no other explanation that makes any sense to me.

I am reading . . . Still reading The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister. I have not been "sucked into" it as I had expected to be.

I am hoping . . . for inspiration to strike on some rearranging and organizing issues I am having around the house. I think the real answer may be to get rid of some stuff!

I am looking forward to . . . seeing "Wicked" with my dd. We have tickets to a matinee on Halloween!

I am hearing . . . lots of doggie toes!

Around the house . . . is Sarge!

I am pondering . . . Psalm 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.

One of my favorite things . . . is discovering new information. I am doing the Precepts study of Daniel and have discovered many things in the second half of the book. I can't imagine that I have not read these chapters before, but it all seems new to me right now.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . not much which is kind of nice.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing . . .

120 pounds of puppy!

for more visit The Simple Woman's Daybook

RemembeRED -- The Barn

The air is hot and dense with humidity. I feel streams of sweat gliding down my face, my back, my belly. All the intense running has left me feeling wrung out, but with the humidity it is as if I have been left in a puddle of hot water. 

She beckons to me from the shade of the barn. The sweet smell of hay and grass drift from the cooler air inside the barn. Looming like the opening to a cavern, the barn door seems inviting. The light shifts as I walk into the shadow of the barn. It shifts again as I pass through the door. My eyes are temporarily blinded by the transition from bright sunshine to the colorless murk of the barn

The barn’s scent is its own -- the sweet smell of hay, the rank odor of manure, the metallic scent of rusted tools. As my eyes adjust, I see her by the side wall. I walk toward her. There is no warning. No lights or buzzers go off. The light and smells remain the same. And then the wrenching pain as she pulls my arm up behind my back, shoving me against the splintered barn wall. Somehow she has pinned me against the wall with my arm held in place by . . . what? There is pain, yes, but more there is fear. The blinding, sickening fear as I realize I have fallen for her tricks again. I begin to shrink. My head is being pushed in on itself as if by a vise. There will be no escape. There never is.

Carefully placed on an old, faded feed sack, she has laid out her implements like a surgeon’s table. I can’t focus, nor do I recognize all of the items I can barely make out. I know I have a choice. I can stay here and die, or I can release myself into the world outside of the barn. 
(photo from little house design)

The grass is green and golden. It is so tall that I am completely hidden by it as I sit down. On my way out of the barn I have stopped by the rain barrel. The blue and white metal dipper is hot in my sweating hand. I dip it into the top of the barrel filling the dipper with cool water. The water is sweet and cool on my mouth and tongue. It gushes over my lips and down the front of my dress, chilling me for a moment.

I stretch out in the undulating grass. No one can see me. I am completely surrounded by the rise and fall of the waves of grass. Overhead the sun blazes down on me and the sky is a perfect cornflower blue. Fairies and dragonflies bob and weave above me, soothing me into a relaxed state of serenity. I am safe and at ease here until she is finished with my body. Nothing and no one can harm me.

for more posts got to RemembeRED

Monday, September 19, 2011

Made by You Monday -- Blueberry Crumble Cake

Blueberry Crumble Cake
2/3 cups raw sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 1/3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup lowfat buttermilk
1 cup blueberries
3 Tablespoons demerara sugar
3 Tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon butter, melted
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 9-inch cake pan with organic cooking spray; line bottom of pan with parchment paper. Coat paper with spray.
Beat 2/3 cups sugar and 1/4 cup butter at medium speed of mixer for about 5 minutes. Add vanilla and egg; beat well. In a separate bowl, combine flour through salt. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture alternating with buttermilk, begin and end with flour. Stir in blueberries by hand.
Pour into cake pan. Combine remaining ingredients in a small bowl. Mix until it resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle over the top of cake.
Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on wire rack.
Serves 8

for more go to Skip to My Lou

Friday, September 16, 2011

Feel Good Friday . . . again?

I have to agree with lia sophia tomgirl today. How do these Fridays keep rolling around so fast? I can't seem to catch my breath!

Lots of pollen in my neck of the woods this week. Mostly grass and weeds. BUT the sinus headaches have not been nice. I'd love to have all the windows open all day long, but I'm not sure on the safety limits for Advil and Sudafed.

Anyway, on to the feel good part:

:: Monday had the potential to start the week off badly, but instead it turned out well. I went to see my gyno (ugh!) but just for talking and a quick blood test. Turns out my fatigue is hormone based and he thinks he can help. So "Go me" for taking care of me even though it meant going to the dreaded gyno!

:: Tuesday I went over to a friend's house and played with her baby while she packed boxes. They are moving into a house right down the street from us. We are keeping their dog for them while they finalize the move. His name is Sarge and he's part lab and part Great Pyrenees. She (the friend) is a massage therapist and is going to "pay" us in massages. I think I'm definitely getting a deal here!

:: Wednesday was therapy. Now Wednesdays can be good or bad. Actually it's always good to deal with the yuck, but this one was really good because even I could see that I had handled some really tough stuff quite well. So there's another "Go me!"

:: Thursday was Bible study. I am doing the Precepts upon Precepts study of Daniel by Kay Arthur. It's really quite interesting so far, plus it just does my heart and soul good to hang out with this bunch of ladies. And on top of that I finally got to the Y yesterday afternoon for a good workout! Oh yeah, dh and I met with ds's new English teacher. It's going to be a long year and but I think she's got promise (1st year teacher fresh out of college!).

:: Today Sarge comes to meet our dogs and have a play date. Hope that goes well! Some housework, grocery shopping and then a little more crocheting that may include a run to Jo-Ann's for more yarn.

 3 in process projects!

Hope your Friday is a feel good day!

catch up with more "Feel Good Friday" at lia sophia tomgirl

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

:: a good talk yesterday with my therapist.
getting validation and new information is 
remarkably beneficial

:: the opportunity to help someone else.
I got to play with sweet Micah
while his momma packed boxes.
I also got to play with Sarge the dog 
-- part lab/part Great Pyrenees

:: quiet time to think and process
new and old information.
time to think is never to be underestimated!

:: the realization that I don't have to have
all the answers.
I am the only one who really thinks I should.

:: getting back into a good Bible study.
the book of Daniel is quite fascinating

may you find grace, peace, gratitude, 
and blessings this day and every day

for more Thankful Thursday visit Grace Alone

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RemembeRED -- Internet

Stay at home mom. Bored out of my mind at times. Other times frantic beyond reason. Probably a bit of postpartum depression thrown in for good measure. The baby is napping. It's a dial up connection so I can't stay online too long or my husband won't be able to get in touch with me. It is slow as Christmas! Even then I could see that, but what amazing information was waiting for me if only the buzzing and whirring would complete the magical transformation of my computer from a big solitaire game to a connection to the whole world -- out there! What would I find? Newspaper and magazine articles to read. Shopping opportunities (even though there is no money for real shopping). Games to play. Ooooh, games to play. What a wonderful, glorious, guilt inducing way to waste my precious time while the baby napped!

I could argue that I was improving myself; looking for ways to be a better wife and mother, but the truth was I was wasting time. It felt a little wicked, but it was lovely to do NOTHING for a while.

My how things have changed! I still do a lot of nothing on my computer, but I interact with so many people all over the world. In the long run the internet has been more savior than demon in my life.

for more posts got to RemembeRED

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . September 13, 2011

Outside my window . . . 
it’s feeling more like summer than fall. It is sunny and the high is supposed to be close to 90 degrees. The bigger issue for me is the pollen count – grass and weeds are at very high levels right now. 

I am thinking 
. . . ds is struggling with English. He has a brand new, fresh out of college teacher – not a great situation for his senior year.

I am thankful . . . for a good night's sleep and a cleaner kitchen. I spent some time doing extra in the kitchen last night and it looks much better.

From the learning rooms . . . ds has a brand-new, straight out of college English teacher -- not the best situation for senior year.

In the kitchen . . . 
last night was just soup and grilled cheese. I’m just not feeling the cooking mojo lately.
I am wearing . . . gray yoga pants and new yellow tank top.

I am creating . . . a new baby blanket for a friend who’s having a baby this fall.

I am going . . . to take care of sweet Micah while his mommy packs for their upcoming move. He is 6 months old and such a sweetie. Aren’t they all at that age!

I am wondering . . .  about this quote:
I know God
won’t give me
anything I can’t handle.
I just wish He didn’t
trust me so much.
Mother Teresa
I am reading . . . The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

I am hoping . . . to have some time/energy to get some housework done this week. Things are looking a tad on the neglected side.

I am looking forward to . . . a long talk tomorrow about some difficult things.

I am hearing . . . birds chirping and traffic in the distance, followed by the occasional doggie footsteps.

Around the house . . . that bonus room is still haunting me! I've got to get it cleaned up. The probably is none of the extraneous stuff piled around is mine!
I am pondering . . . the struggles of life. That sounds very deep, but I fear it may just be my own self centeredness and inadequacies.

One of my favorite things . . . is tea in the morning. Today it is Cranberry Blood Orange with orange infused raw sugar and dollop of milk.

A few plans for the rest of the week 
. . . dog sitting. Yes, because what we need is another dog! His name is Sarge and he's part labrador and part Great Pyrenees. Should be interesting with the my "little" doggies, to say the least!

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing
. . . 

dh found this picture somewhere
and sent it to me because he
knows I love sunflowers.
it makes me smile.
I hope it makes you smile too!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Made by You Mondays -- Hobo-inspired Bag

A hobo inspired bag made in a variety of Asian fabrics.
I found those adorable children faces and just
knew I had to have them in something!
I think next time I make one, I'll shorten the
entire bag and the strap and use heavier
interfacing. I may put a cell phone/iPod pocket on the
inside as well. I really enjoy using this bag for 
a variety of different purposes.

for more go to Skip to My Lou

Friday, September 9, 2011

Feel Good Friday

All right. Five things that made me feel good this week. I can do this, right?

Here goes:
1. Monday -- Labor Day! I did not "labor" at all. It was wonderful! Traditionally I panic on Labor Day and try to finish up all the summer chores that never got done. Not this year. We were covered by Tropical Storm Lee, so I sat on the sofa and watched U.S. Open and crocheted. I made "old-fashioned" hamburgers for us on the griddle instead of the grill. It was really quite lovely.

2. Tuesday -- thought it was Monday all day! Thought it was International Bacon Day -- but no that was actually the Saturday BEFORE Labor Day. Ate bacon anyway. Got a great deal at sneakpeeq on some of my favorite spices from Victoria Gourmet.

3. Wednesday -- I got back on my normal routine and that is always a good thing.

4. Thursday -- my new fall Precepts class met for the first time. Whoo-hoo! I love this class and these ladies! They are the best. We are studying the book of Daniel. History and prophecy -- should be an interesting fall.

5. Friday -- It's free breakfast day at Chick-fil-a! I have a coupon and an appointment for a free bacon egg and cheese biscuit between 8:30 and 9:30 this morning. What's not to feel good about!?!

Happy Friday, everyone!

catch up with more "Feel Good Friday" at lia sophia tomgirl

Jeans: Fond Memories

Jeans. They can evoke so much emotion in us: the hot jeans we wear on a date, the skinny jeans we can finally fit into, mom jeans we vow never to wear, the comfy jeans we’ll never throw out.

I remember two pairs of jeans from high school. My dad was a professor/minister, so money was frequently tight. My jeans usually came from JC Penney or Sears. No name brands for me! I got a job at a local department store in town and one of the first things on my list was to buy a “real” pair of jeans. I wasn’t built like your typical teenager. I was a shapely hourglass girl – not overweight – just curvy. This was in the late seventies, so there was very little specialization of jeans. You wanted jeans, you went and bought jeans. That was it!

I saved my money and waited for the annual Levi’s sale. I bought my first (and only) pair of Levis. I was so proud! I could roll them up at the cuffs and wear my penny loafers and oxford cloth button down shirt with my little (fake) pearl earrings and (fake) gold add-a-bead necklace. I had arrived! (Yes I was “prep” crazed!)

They didn’t really fit well -- too large in the waist, too tight in the thighs. But I didn’t care. I had Levis! Life was good. I wore those jeans until they shredded behind the knees. It didn’t matter that they weren’t particularly comfortable, they were Levis.

The second pair I remember may have been bought right before I started college. I was/am short. And back in the day I was small – petite, so I frequently hit the sale racks in the children’s department. I found a pair of yoked, peg-legged jeans there that became my go-to jeans until after I married. I adored those jeans. They were cute and stylish. They fit everywhere and made me look great. AND they were from the children’s department, so that must prove I wasn’t overweight, right? (Can you tell I had some body image issues?)

I have fond memories of different outfits built around those jeans. The white cotton men’s shirt tucked in with the sleeves rolled up and a red bandana worn as a belt, with sandals, flats or white tennis shoes; the jeans worn with an oversized gray college sweatshirt and white tennis shoes and NO socks; or the jeans with the white peasant blouse and no shoes at all!

Those were seriously happy jeans! Maybe I need to find some more of those, but then again I’m 49 and 50 pounds overweight, and it’s been 25 or more years since they were in style, so maybe not!

for more visit Write on Edge

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:

:: all the quotes that pop up on facebook
sometimes they are silly
sometimes they are trite
but I've decided I need those
silly trite quotes.
I can be a bit cynical and overly serious,
so they help me refocus.

:: phone calls from my dh.
he generally calls me 3 or 4 times
during the day.
it's nice.
he calls to tell me something,
or just to see how my day is going.
and he always tells me he loves me.

:: Precepts Bible study
we are starting back today after our
summer hiatus.
we will be looking at Daniel.
I'm looking forward to the study,
the chatter, the food, and just
hanging out with other ladies who 
love to study the Word.

:: sunshine.
we've had a lot of rain from the tropical
storm remnants over the past several days.
we needed it, so I'm grateful
for the steady rain.
the temperatures are lower as well.
this morning the clouds are breaking up and 
I'm seeing patches of blue and sunshine.
I am always grateful for variety in the 

:: for having a veterinarian in the family.
yesterday dd and I came in to find that
Yaya had eaten all of Etta's thyroid medicine.
actually we didn't know which dog had ingested
how much.
dh's brother is our vet, so dd called him.
we took the dogs over and while he "coerced" 
the dogs into returning the pills,
dd and I went to dinner.
the dogs are fine, although Yaya had
a little bit of an amphetamine rush.
Dr. P took good care of them and stayed calm.
and we got the family discount.

may you find grace, peace, gratitude, 
and blessings this day and every day

for more Thankful Thursday visit Grace Alone