
Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, Monday

So it's Monday morning. Currently it is partly sunny and 70 degrees at 7:30 am. Hmmm. Storms are predicted for later this morning. Another stormy day ahead. Last week's stormy day left us without electricity for 10 hours. I really hope I'm not headed into that scenario again.

Today's goal is to finish up the laundry and get a plan for having the besties over tomorrow. Can't decide if we should clean out the bonus room closet or deep clean my bedroom. Wondering, wondering, wondering.

My mood has improved some from earlier in the weekend. The fatigue seems to be lifting and things don't seem as bleak. I think lists are going to be my friends for the next little while. Lists help me stay focused and centered, but they can also make me feel ineffective and lazy. I tend to put too many things on my list, and then berate myself for not completing them all. 

Right now I'm listening to birds chirp and sing. There is a light breeze blowing and the wind chime is lightly tinkling. So I think I'll seize the moment and head out for a walk, as that usually lifts my mood.

Happy Monday, everyone!


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