
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Poetry -- An Assignment

My daughter received this writing assignment in class this week.
Write words or phrases that come to mind for each line:
::Line One - Items found inside whatever you called home when you were a child
::Line Two - Items found in your yard (if you had one)
::Line Three - Items found in your neighborhood
:: Line Four - Names of relatives, especially one that link you to your past
::Line Five - Sayings
::Line Six - Names of goods and dishes that recall family gatherings
::Line Seven - Names of places you kept your memories
It's an interesting task. Below are my daughter's and mine. Try it yourself and link back up in the comments.
I am from old china dolls, books galore, and yellow legal pads spread throughout the house

I am from flowers run wild, old dog toys, and trees that reach the sky

I am from the little church playground with the winding creek

I am from Aunt Wanda, Linda, and Nana and Pa

I am from "I will always love you, no matter what" and "We'll get through this if we stick together"

I am from green bean casserole, Nana rolls, mincemeat pie, and oven-fried chicken

I am from countless journals that I always lost

I am from love and struggles and a family that made me strong
I am from books in every room, dinner guests, and sermons

I am from white dogwoods, sweet honeysuckle, pink mimosas, and morning glories climbing up the fence

I am from houses in rows along the busy street, the health food store and the corner market

I am from Auntie and Uncle Horace, and Nur and Dee, and college students revolving through the house

I am from “Daddy needs quiet” and “What will they think of you?”

I am from pink rose china, silver spoons, fresh baked bread, and shortbread cookies

I am from boxes of trinkets, a wooden purse, and Dahlia

I am from love, and lies, and denials, and pain

Where are you from?

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