
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday -- June 16, 2011

Seems like quite a while since I've participated in "Thankful Thursday". The start of summer always seems as if it should a time of relaxation, but it's not. There's the end of school year rush; looking for summer jobs; vacation planning (and this year leaving as we took an early vacation). Lots to do!

The other thing that always seems to catch me off guard is the reminder of past abuse. Most of my abuse took place in the summer. The last physical attack was a rape that happened on June 10, 1983. Look at that date -- that's a long time ago! I don't consciously mark the anniversary, but my body seems to remember that long ago attack.

So for the past couple of weeks I've been struggling with depression and anxiety. The struggle leads to feelings of inadequacy; recurring thoughts that I lack worth and value; the vision of myself as a failure; and the constant reminder that I am not handling any of this with the proper Christian attitude.

The reality is none of it is my fault! God knows that I am not trying to dwell, linger, not let it go; and I don't really have any way of knowing what others think about me nor does it matter.

So for today I am thankful for new realizations; new ways of being honest with myself and others; a good therapist; a loving and supportive husband; friends who rally round; and good books that remind I am not alone. 

I hope your Thursday is full of gratitude.


For more "Thankful Thursday" post visit Grace Alone

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this post. You have given me many things to reflect on and reminders that we all have so much to be thankful for.



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