
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RemembeRED -- Internet

Stay at home mom. Bored out of my mind at times. Other times frantic beyond reason. Probably a bit of postpartum depression thrown in for good measure. The baby is napping. It's a dial up connection so I can't stay online too long or my husband won't be able to get in touch with me. It is slow as Christmas! Even then I could see that, but what amazing information was waiting for me if only the buzzing and whirring would complete the magical transformation of my computer from a big solitaire game to a connection to the whole world -- out there! What would I find? Newspaper and magazine articles to read. Shopping opportunities (even though there is no money for real shopping). Games to play. Ooooh, games to play. What a wonderful, glorious, guilt inducing way to waste my precious time while the baby napped!

I could argue that I was improving myself; looking for ways to be a better wife and mother, but the truth was I was wasting time. It felt a little wicked, but it was lovely to do NOTHING for a while.

My how things have changed! I still do a lot of nothing on my computer, but I interact with so many people all over the world. In the long run the internet has been more savior than demon in my life.

for more posts got to RemembeRED


  1. Yes, this. Joyful time wasting and anxious waiting. I can so, so relate to this!

    I love transparent, and you wore it well here!

  2. Oh was dial up not the worst? And yet I loved the sound of that machine trying to connect. It was thrilling to know it was linking me to a world beyond myself.

    Nice post in response to the prompt. I can definitely relate to the time wasted part; and I too have found that connecting with others has really made a difference in my life.

  3. It's remarkable how alike our reactions to the internet are, time wasting, connection, entertainment, trying for balance.

  4. LOL. I really love this. Like Kaleba above, I LOVED the sound of the modem connecting. It's funny how although so much has changed, so much remains the same.

  5. We lived with dial-up until we moved to our new house in 2007. A long time to be on pokey internet connection. It was good, in a way...b/c I didn't waste a lot of time there! Anything I really needed to do, I'd try to search & find quickly at work (because I was always there early).


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