
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . November 6, 2012

Outside my window . . . it's mildly overcast (peeks of blue here and there) and 48 degrees. The trees are still with orange and red, but some are completely bare.

I am thinking . . . that I have a day at home to reclaim my home from the incessant activity of the past few days.

I am thankful . . . that I have already voted (last week in early voting), but grateful to live in a nation that allows me to vote without fear of retaliation.

In the kitchen . . . things are a bit messy, but I did run the dishwasher before bed last night. All my counters need to be straighten and wiped down today.

I am wearing . . . still in my jammies and robe, but not feeling any guilt about it.

I am creating . . . afghans, of course, but I went to Michaels yesterday and picked up a couple of quick and easy fun crafts to do.

I am going . . . to stay in all day if possible. I like days where I have nowhere to go and can putter around the house at my own pace.

I am wondering . . . if there is a better way to get through the upcoming holiday season. Depression is intense this time of year. I try very hard to focus on others, but I frequently am paralyzed by what I view as my failures.

I am reading . . . Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

I am looking forward to . . . reclaiming my exercise schedule. My routine kind of tanked when I got costochondritis and I've been having trouble get back to any kind of routine. Here's hoping today is the start of something good.

I am hearing . . . little miss Yaya snoring on the ottoman beside my chair. The family teases me and says I got her because she breathes just like I do!

Around the house . . . clutter. But isn't that the way if you really live in your house!?! It frustrates me for things to not be perfect, but then I think maybe there is a lesson there. I'm not perfect either.

I am pondering . . . coming out of this latest abuse related fog. It's been slow, and I'm not done but I've got to believe there has been a radical shift. (For more go here.)

One of my favorite things . . . is feeling able to do the things I need to do without feeling guilt for making time for the things I want to do.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . dd's friends are coming for chili and cornbread Thursday night, and she has requested Molasses Cookies, so it looks as if there is baking my immediate future. The usual suspects after that.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing . . . 
my elephant ears are not pleased with the changing weather

1 comment:

  1. Never had the chance to read the book but the movie was very good. Keep Smiling!


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