
Saturday, September 1, 2012

What's the Point?

I've been blogging for just over 3 years now, and I recently stopped while looking at my stats (I am a stats slut!) and wondered "What's the point?"

I write about a variety of things, but the majority has to do in some way with recovery from childhood sexual abuse. I write because it helps me process things, and I hope that my processing may help someone else.

But I also write to help me remember -- to remember the truth of the abuse; to remember that it really did happen; to remember that it (the abuse) causes most of the day to day struggles I have.

What I've found from writing it out is that
:: I am not alone. There are a lot of folks out there using blogging as a way to connect. And there are a lot of folks out there using it as therapy. And that's okay.
:: it's not a self-centered activity. For a long time I thought most blogging was just vanity. What I've found in my experience is it's not just vanity. It's an opportunity to connect in a concrete way, albeit through cyberspace.
:: feedback is important, but not vital. It's amazing how empowering it can be to have strangers pat you on the back and give me an "atta girl". I didn't get much of that growing up, so it's really nice to get some now. But it's also empowering to just get it said.
:: I've "met" some wonderful people through this process, and they have helped me in ways they may never fully realize.

So here's what I've decided. I blog because I like to. I've always wanted to write and be read. I want to write a book about my experiences, but I don't know if I have the skill . . . the patience . . . the strength. Blogging lets me test the waters. Test my strengths and weaknesses.

So thanks to all of you for your support over the past 3 years.

I'm not going anywhere, so stick around.



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