
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . February 14, 2012

Outside my window . . . it is gray and cloudy and wet and cold. 

I am thinking . . . about Valentine's Day. I love my dh every day and honestly think it's a little silly to make such a big deal of it one day a year. A friend on mine who has never married calls it Single Awareness Day!

I am thankful . . . for my bestie. She's been available a lot lately to help me organize, crochet, and talk through the current struggles. She helps keep me centered when things begin to spiral.

In the kitchen . . . white chicken chili, even though I clearly posted yesterday that it would me roasted chicken. It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

I am wearing . . . still in my flannel robe and slippers. Trying to get motivated to get dressed for yoga class. It might be a yoga at home day : )

I am creating . . . a round rug to go beside my bed. My father-in-law asked if I was going to make it large enough for the bed to sit in the center of it!

I am going . . . . to have a homemaker kind of day today (I hope). Laundry and cleaning. It actually sounds rather appealing to me.

I am wondering . . . about this quote:
I am reading . . . Morgue Drawer Four by Jutta Profijt.
I am hoping . . . that things will improve in my mood and in a relationship I am struggling with right now. I sense the former is more likely than the latter.

I am looking forward to . . . a quiet day at home by myself. I will do my yoga, get the laundry going, put on some music, and pace myself at working around the house. After lunch I'll settle in to do some crocheting, reading, and writing.

I am hearing . . . the dogs gobbling down their breakfast. Two of them eat like vacuum cleaners, but the third is quite delicate, picking up a single piece of dry food at time.

Around the house . . . order is being maintained fairly well. This is quite an accomplishment given the stress we've had lately. I'm trying to take the organizing in little doses and give myself credit for every little thing.

I am pondering . . . . blogging. It makes me ridiculously happy to write these blogs, and it practically sends me into the stratosphere knowing that you are out there reading them!

One of my favorite things . . . is candles. I have always loved them, but felt it was a frivolous expenditure just for me. Recently my thoughts have changed on this. I have taken to burning 2 candles every day. One in the kitchen and one in my office. These are the two rooms I spend the most time in, and it just makes me happy to see (and smell) those happy little lights.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . all the usual suspects: therapy, Bible study, date night and then it's the weekend again!

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing . . . 
dh brought me these lovely flowers : )


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