
Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday -- Quiet

The house is quiet. The tea kettle is done with its whistling. The dogs are finished with breakfast. I've talked with my husband, and dear daughter is still asleep.
The workers in the neighborhood have left for the day, so my street is still and empty of commuters.
The only sounds in the house are the tapping of the dogs nails on the floor and hum of the computer. 
This is my time. The quiet of the house after the rush of the morning. The "have-to's" are done and I can sit and quietly let my mind wander where it will.
Quiet is a good thing at times like this. But at other times quiet has been terrifying. It's amazing how much fear can be invoked by silence, or worse yet, whispers. 
But for now I put those thoughts and memories aside.
I sip my Irish Breakfast tea with demerara sugar and milk. I look out my window at the bright orange sugar maple in my neighbor's yard. I scan the blue sky. I see the squirrels chase each other, and all is quiet . . . and as it should be.

linking up with Five Minute Friday


  1. I like your take on the theme word. I can picture the special quiet moments that you write about.

  2. Beautiful. I felt at peace reading this. Linking in from FFM.
    Blessings and praying that you kept this peace even when the world gets loud.


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