
Friday, May 30, 2014

Nothing But the Whole Wide World

"God wants us busy, never giving up

He wants nothing but the whole wide world for us

Nothing but the whole wide world for us
Nothing, nothing
Well there's nothing but the whole wide world for us
Nothing, nothing
Well there's nothing but the whole wide, whole wide world for us"

I hear those words and I am reminded that no matter how hard my struggle seems, God is always there for me. He wants me to succeed according to His idea of success. 

So on the days when things are difficult -- the depression seizes me, when I'm tired and unfocused, when I feel completely worthless -- He wants nothing but the whole wide world for me. And it doesn't mean I have to go out and take it by storm. No, all He asks of me is that I receive what He offers.

It doesn't solve everything. It doesn't pull me out my pre-summer funk. But it does provide comfort and hope. Things can and will be better.

He wants me to have the world, as long as I recognize that He is the world.

listen here 

(lyrics from "Nothing But the Whole Wide World"/Ghost on the Canvas by Glen Campbell)

linking up with Five Minute Friday


  1. What a beautiful thought! I've never heard that song before--thank you for sharing the lyrics and your insight. Cheering you on from next door at Five-Minute Friday :).

    1. Thanks! I wanted to add a YouTube link, but can't find it anywhere. I recommend the entire album personally.

  2. Great post. I never heard that song. I'll check it out.
    Have a great day,

    1. Thank you! I couldn't find a recording to share, but the album is available on Amazon.


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