
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Tuesday of Summer Vacation -- August 10, 2010

Outside my is STILL hot and dry. School may be starting tomorrow, but it feels like a long time till fall.

I am thinking...about fall cleaning. My house is really dirty, especially with the renovations in the bathroom. It's hard to get motivated to clean, when there is insulation, drywall dust and assorted other detritus everywhere.

I am thankful travels we have had recently, and praying for continued travelling mercies in the weeks ahead.

From the learning rooms...still working on ACT prep and German II. We have completed The Hobbit and now need to take a run at Much Ado About Nothing.

From the kitchen...comes the realization that I MUST grocery shop today. The list is made, but I didn't get there yesterday because I had an asthma attack. Must get there today.

I am cotton lawn embroidered nightgown and summer weight robe.

I am creating...perhaps more of a mess than anything else. I have too many irons in the fire and I'm having trouble focusing!

I am visit my daughter this weekend. Just us girls. Dd has requested that I bring Yaya, so it'll be the 3 of us.

I am reading...The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson

I am get some motivation on the housework front. Any brilliant suggestions?

I am hearing...doggies begging for breakfast!

Around the house...picking up and putting away needs to be the order of the day, before actual cleaning can take place.

One of my favorite school supplies. I actually miss the days of shopping for all the items the kids needed in elementary and middle school. Of course, it's nice to get to keep the money for something more fun!

A few plans for the rest of the week...sewing, cleaning, getting ds started in school, and travelling for the weekend.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

This is my sweet Yaya, who'll be travelling with me this weekend.

Visit The Simple Woman's Daybook to linger over simple things.


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