
Monday, July 2, 2012

June Joy Dare #5

"Enter the password: 'Thank you!" . . . Thank Him. Worship Him!
--Psalm 100:4

June 26th -- 3 gifts in fabric
1. my purple, white, and green knit dress
2. hot towels at my spa pedicure
3. cushions and pillows on my swing
while talking to my husband

June 27th -- 3 gifts framed by a frame
1. new photos my husband took
2. photos in my camera
3. new concepts

June 28th -- 3 gifts eaten
1. a Lara bar on my way to the doctor's office
2. Mint chocolate Kisses for comfort
3. Cereal for dinner

June 29th -- A gift small, big, just right
1. a travel mug of hot tea
2. a new roomful of friends
3. pizza dinner with my dh

June 30th -- 3 gifts you gave today
1. affirmations to others
2. hugs to people in need
3. concern for sick children

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