
Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Morning Drive

My drive varies from day to day as my work schedule is fairly flexible. I head out between 7:15 and 7:45 most mornings. Depending on the day it takes me 5 to 10 minutes to get to work. 

Oh who am I kidding. I crawl out of my bed, run my hands through my hair, go to the bathroom, and staggering down the hall and through my living room. I open the dog gate that leads into the kitchen and my "office". I have arrived at work. There is no driving involved. But there is routine. 

I check out the neighborhood and weather through the big windows in the living room. I flip on the teapot as I head to wake-up my computer, and then let the dogs out into the backyard. I pour my tea to steep, feed the dogs, and check Facebook, blogger stats, and email. Once the dogs are settled (i.e., back asleep), I sit down at the computer with my tea and begin to write and read. 

Later I'll make my list of "to-dos", but first and foremost it's checking in with the cyber world, and waking up by talking (writing) about whatever is on my mind.

I've got it good -- don't think I don't know that.

linking up with The Writer's Workshop


  1. Love this! Our commutes are similar in some ways. And I know I've got it good too. Thanks for sharing! Visiting form Mama Kat, wrote the same prompt. LOL

    1. I didn't realize how many of us have the same "commute". My kids are in college now, so saying I'm a SAHM doesn't seem quite truthful!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  2. Hi Melanie! So many people have that short commute...especially the Moms that stay home with the kids. And they have it pretty good too :)

    Good luck with the writing today!

    1. Indeed. Not sure I can use my kids as my excuse anymore since they are 23 and 20 respectively!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  3. I guess my commute is to the coffee pot, the TV to catch up with morning news shows, then to the computer. Never thought of writing it out, though. LOL.
    What do you write exactly?

    1. I write my blog. Sometimes just memes, crafting, recipes, etc. especially throughout the summer. But I also write about recovery from child sexual abuse and living with chronic PTSD. I'd like to do more speaking as well, but for now I go where I feel led.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)


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