
Friday, February 21, 2014

Small Things

A touch, a kiss, a nod, a hug. Small things that can change everything.

What happens when those small things disappear? It's a gradual realization. When was the last time you held hands? How did all those tender moments get lost in the day to day grind?

And sometimes it takes effort to retrieve them. A plan. And faith and trust. Reaching out recognizing you could face rejection. But not trying . . . that's even worse. 

So I make a small move. I rub his back while we talk in the kitchen. I stand on the step and wrap my arms around him. 

He pats me on the arm as he leaves the bed early in the morning. He kisses my cheek while I'm sleeping even though he doesn't understand it.

Small things. Those reminders of why we are together.

linking up with Five Minute Friday


  1. I love this! I need to be reminded that those small gestures are, in fact, so important. Especially in this phase of life... Thank you!

  2. Boy I needed this and thanks, so good.


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