
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY . . . February 25, 2014

Outside my window . . . the sun is shining in a pale blue sky. Wispy clouds are gliding across. We're at 38* right now heading up to 50*!

I am thinking . . . about getting back into a routine. Things have been floundering a bit for the past week or so. I need that routine to settle my spirit.

I am thankful . . . for good conversations with my family, even when the topics are difficult.

In the kitchen . . . last night was an experiment that went well. Black eye pea and chicken soup. I'm still working out the exact proportions I used.

I am wearing . . . the usual.

I am creating . . . still finishing up the edging on a burp cloth and working on a new baby afghan design.

I am going . . . finish up the ironing today. Then I'm going to pick a sewing project to work on just for me :)

I am wondering . . . about Paul's thorn in the flesh.

I am reading . . . finished up The Hangman's Daughter. It ended better than it began. I may try the next on in the series after all. I started Anatomy of a Disappearance: A Novel by Hisham Matar. It's quite intriguing and is making me interested in Egyptian history.

I am looking forward to . . . things settling down around here a bit. It's been quite hectic and I'm hoping for some "mellow" to appear soon.

I am hearing . . . quiet! Ds just left for school. The dogs are settled for their morning nap and dd is still in bed.

Around the house . . . I need a day of just being at home with no one else around to putter and clean.

I am praying . . . prayers of gratitude for a friend's good CAT scan results, and prayers of healing for a young lady struggling with emotional issues.

One of my favorite things . . . is springtime. I know I'm jumping the gun here, but we've had a few really nice days that have given me hope of an early spring.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . nothing out of the ordinary planned right now, so I'm just hoping for routine.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing . . . 
a new stash of yarn!


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