
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday #3

Today we find our intrepid blogger feeling a little less frazzled. And how thankful we are!
Struggles come and go, as does joy, but the constant is the love of God and His grace to meet us where we are.
I am still struggling with some concepts and ideas; with what to do regarding my extended family; with, as a friend put it, the mind boggling confusion brought on by my family's reactions.
Again I find myself wishing for an edict or papal bull that would clarify and authorize my actions and behavior. Perhaps God is telling me and I am just not hearing?
Here is what I do know. God is with me, so who can be against me? He has surrounded me with a host of believers who listen, care, and offer Biblical advice. They honor my feelings and fears while still offering loving support -- so very much for which to be thankful!
His grace is sufficient, if only I will let it be.

Blessings and peace.

find more Thankful Thursday at Women Taking a Stand


  1. God will help you dear one, and never leave you.

  2. What beautiful thanks and God does hear us and cares so much about us. God Bless!

  3. So happy to see you over at Thankful Thursday today. If He is for us who can be against us...once we completely comprehend this, we can find peace in all of our relationships. May He guide you today and in the days to come. :)


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