
Sunday, March 25, 2012

March Joy Dare #4

"Enter the password: 'Thank you!" . . . Thank Him. Worship Him!
--Psalm 100:4

March 19th -- 3 gifts eaten
1. banana pancakes
2. caramel filled churro
3. cheese quesadilla

March 20th -- 3 gifts that made you laugh
1. turtles crawling on the porch
2. my daughter
3. my husband's hair after diving

March 21st -- a gift salty, a gift sweet, a gift just right
1. sea water
2. my husband's care for me
3. banana with peach yogurt

March 22nd -- 3 gifts found in His word
1. "These people honor me with their lips . . ."
-- Isaiah 29:13
2. ". . . they were afraid 
to ask him what he meant."
-- Mark 9:31-32
3.  “God is great!”
 But as for me, I am poor and needy . . ." 
-- Psalm 70:4-5

March 23th -- 3 gifts found in women today
1. "Creativity, it’s good theology; it’s what God did in the beginning." -- Ann Voskamp
3. Attic 24 -- Doing My Job

March 24th -- 3 gifts spoken
1. "I love you, sweetie" - my husband
2. "I'm feeling better" - my daughter
3. "I'm so happy to see you" - me to my son

March 25th -- a gift sung, a gift written, a gift painted
1. Morning Has Broken
- Cat Stevens
2. "It isn't that they can't see the solution. 
It is that they can't see the problem." 
- G.K. Chesterton
3. Virgin and Child
- William Congdon

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  1. Enjoyed reading your list of thanks this morning =0)

  2. beautiful list, bright and cheery blog.

    Splashing around in God's goodness today ... Had to stop by and wade in this glorious place. Hope you don't mind if I stay a bit and let joy soak deep down.



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