
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hi, my name is Melanie . . .

Hi, my name is Melanie and I am a bookaholic.

Several years ago I wrote this post, Too Many Books? I talked about taking pride as a librarian in encouraging the use of our public libraries. I talked about how I limit the books I buy, and yet, when I look around my house there they are -- stacks of books that NEED to be read.

Every room in my house has at least a portion of one bookcase dedicated to "books I'm going to read next". Somehow I forget about those bookshelves when I finish the current book, and I go out and buy another one at the local used book store, or worse yet, order a brand new one from Amazon. It's possible that I am single handedly funding Jeff Bezos retirement plan.

Yesterday a friend of mine posted the above illustration on her Facebook page. I could so relate, and yes, she's a librarian too. We should know better, but we don't. Maybe it's just that overwhelming love of books and reading that made us choose our profession. It compels us into bookstores and online book sites. 

As Thomas Jefferson wrote so eloquently to John Adams, "I cannot live without books".

linking up with Writer's Workshop


  1. I'm a bookaholic, too. I buy a lot of books, but 95% of them are from the thrift store, so I'm repurposing. And I borrow books from the library all the time too. So I'm really sourcing them from various places :) Does that make it any better?!

  2. My oldest sister always said, "There may not be enough money for food, but there's always enough money for books." I heartily concur!

  3. LOVE a good book! You're in good company. :)

  4. I too am a bookaholic and I hope that I never recover! :)

    (visiting from Mama Kat's)


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