
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Number : Write 28 Days

Let me start this post with a disclaimer: I don't like this prompt.

There are several reasons for my reaction to that word -- I wrote a post a long time ago about numbers. I'm worn out with our society's obsession with weight and wealth. (More numbers). I was married to an actuary.

But I'm a rule follower, so I will soldier on. 

We are a society identified by numbers. Identifying numbers instead of names. Rankings. Weight. Salary. Savings. Home costs. Retirement. The Electoral College. The National Debt. Elections. Votes.


I am SO much more than the number used to identify or define me. Maybe I'm just frustrated by numbers because I am not an analytical person. I am a strongly emotional person and numbers have no part in emotions. And I was married to an actuary.

But. But, there are good numbers in my life. I have 2 children. I have been alive for 57 years. I have 1 part-time job that I love. I have had the same 4 dear friends that have stood with me for 40+ years. 

Perhaps there's more to a number than I realized.


  1. I'm married to a math major who wanted to be an actuary. Sometimes we clash because of his analytical mind with my emotional mind, too.

  2. I dislike numbers too and struggled with the prompt myself . I skipped it and did one I missed. Whoops! Great post!


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