
Sunday, June 3, 2012

May Joy Dare #5

"Enter the password: 'Thank you!" . . . Thank Him. Worship Him!
--Psalm 100:4

May 28th -- 3 gifts in today's work
1. time spent with my daughter
2. validation in writing
3. pleasure in order

May 29th -- a gift at 8am, 12pm, 8pm
1. lounging in bed because there was 
nothing I had to do this morning
2. shopping with my daughter 
at the used bookstore
3. safe in my home while it storms

May 30th -- 3 gifts blue
1. waking up in my blue bedroom
2. the beautiful blue sky
after storms last night
3. my blue cotton sheets as 
I crawled into bed

May 31st -- 3 gifts you gave today
1. love and affection to my dogs
2. a trip to the mall with my daughter
(I hate going to the mall)
3. a nap for myself this afternoon

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